I have not been updating my blog anywhere near as much as I really should be. I have been really busy the last few months though, and will likely continue to be busy for the foreseeable future. I traveled back to Colorado for three weeks in June, am transitioning from a student to new work this summer, and am excitedly preparing for fatherhood. All the while I have been neglecting this blog and haven’t been updating the various projects I’m trying to do with it.
Asteroid Cowboy Blues Update: I haven’t forgotten about this play through that I wrote, and even though our group did peter out a few months ago (we call it the expat summer syndrome), I still have a good 2-3 sessions worth of story I need to post here (just as soon as I can make myself sit down and write it).
Tales of Biosol: I equally haven’t been working on this project much at all. I honestly have been reconsidering a few characters, specifically the Detective, and also I’m teasing out a theme for the story, stronger than one I had previously in mind. I’m also considering ways to update the sci-fi in the story. I’ve read a number of sci-fi books that have made me reassess my ideas on upcoming technological trends, and I want to emphasise more social tech rather than a shock and awe of future tech in the story. As I see the human aspect of sci-fi as the most compelling aspect.
My Thoughts on: Hooray for my opinions on things! Just kidding. But I do have a few things I would like to write about. I enjoy doing these posts because they let me explore ideas I have in my head in more depth, and I generally find myself having a stronger understanding of my ideas and how well I understand what it is I’m thinking about. As far as for subject matter? Lets just say I’ve been considering a few legal issues I want to reflect on in more depth, as well as my thoughts on language learning and learning in general, as well as the role of education in society, and the role of socialisation in the modern world.
And more?! I am working on a few other projects at the moment as well, and am considering making a section specifically devoted to my unborn child, where I wax philosophical, and try to articulate advice I think would be helpful for my son to have later on in life; as well as anecdotal stories about him, and my experience as being a husband and a father.
So I would conclude this update by thanking my readers (however many there may be) and that I haven’t forgotten about my site or what I want to do with it. Rather, life has just been putting the pedal to the metal lately, and I’m having trouble applying the breaks. But until next time, take care and remember that life is beautiful!